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Matchbox Twenty - Time After Time (Live)

Matchbox Twenty - Time After Time (Live)

The guys' rendition of Cyndi Lauper's 1984 hit, Time After Time, during their concert in Sydney, Australia.
Matchbox 20>>>

@ThisIsRobThomas i love sitting at a bar that plays matchbox 20 all night its prefect

I seriously love she's so mean by matchbox 20

"Yeah, you know who that is? Rob Thomas. Matchbox 20. Sing him a song... SHUTUP!" #SunnyFX @ThisIsRobThomas

Ahorita soy Unwell de Matchbox 20.

@SavannahSmithhh same here! I grew up on matchbox 20! I think the new song's the one I just heard, I don't keep up with bands much anymore.

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