Introducing Nexus Q

Introducing Nexus Q

Nexus Q streams your favorite entertainment directly from the cloud to your living room. Just use the Google Play and YouTube apps on your Android phone or tablet to surf an ocean of music, TV, movies and music, and Nexus Q will play it all on the biggest speakers and screen in the house. There are no downloads, no syncing, no running out of space. Just the stuff you love -- at home and out loud.
Me alegro de haber venido mi iphone para comprarme el nexus,vistos los problemas con whatsapp....

@Inmantada3 si es del trabajo de tu padre y tienes 7 años, se te queda marcao

RT @aizadfahmy: Yes, BB is outdated, expensive piece of plastic. But drop your Nexus, SGS III, and a BB from 5 feet on the tar. Which one survives?

@nexus_7_ k lo sepS!!! Eso pasa porque @_kinny_ me retó en un capo k controlo!!!

O consumidores do Phaser Kinno falam comos se tivessem comprado um iPad ou um Nexus 7. GENTE!, que preguiça das reclamações.

Загорелся идеей купить себе Nexus 7

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