Sending photos and video over Android Beam in Jelly Bean

Sending photos and video over Android Beam in Jelly Bean

In Android 4.1 Jelly Bean, Android Beam has been augmented to support sending photo and video content. Check out our hands-on video.
RT @gx_saurav: @weemundo also the biggest bullshit "Sir, yeh app dekho. Kitni achchi hai. Color dekho aap bas Android ke. Windows par to graphics hi nahi"

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RT @syedemahdi: For android’ers ☺❤ equals to this []

Tetap android bro RT "@andreaadea: Hahahaha yolah.. tapi skarang awk udah jadi pecinta BB au.. hehehe :p RT @Araiken_AR17: Android msh ad"

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