中田裕二 - ベール
ソロ 1st フル・アルバム「ecole de romantisme」 2011/11/23 OUT! 今年の1月に惜しまれつつも解散した「椿屋四重奏」のヴォーカル/ リーダー・中田裕二の待望のソロ 1st フル・アルバムがリリース! yujinakada.com

Worlds fastest street legal ELECTRIC CAR 1972 Datsun 1200 Whtie Zombie. This car is based in Oregon... there are something like 18 hydro electric power plants in that state! Hydro actually generates 58% in Oregon (In Washington it's over 70%) and coal less than 7%.Only about 15% of the energy from the fuel you put in your tank gets used to move your car down the road or run useful accessories, such as air conditioning. The rest of the energy is lost to engine and driveline inefficiencies and idling. Therefore, the potential to improve fuel efficiency with advanced technologies is enormous. With an Electric Car it costs just $1.00 per 100kms with MUCH more performance than with petrol at $20.00 per 100kms. @@@EVs use between 1/6th and 1/10th the energy of a comparable ICE powered car. Datsun 1200 EV Specs: - Motor - Hi Torque Electric 'Siamese 8' Series Wound DC Dual Armature 8 inch - Controller - Zilla Z2K EHV 2000 Amp - Battery - 60x 16 Ah Hawker Enersys 'Genesis' Lead-Acid 360 Volts - Final Drive ratio - 4.11 : 1 - Weight - 2450 Pounds (1113 Kilograms) goo.gl

www.puchi-diehard.com 来ました☆本家ダイハード!! さすがサイバーテロ!!かっこいいぞ!! ブルースも早く僕と共演したいはず!!いつか共演しようぜ!! 僕も負けじとプチダイハード頑張るぞ!! ブログも毎日更新してるからよろしく☆ http

『デビルサマナー葛葉ライドウ対アバドン王』のオープニング映像です。 【デビルサマナー葛葉ライドウ対アバドン王】 ●ジャンル:RPG ●ハード:Play Station 2 ●価格:7329円(税込) ●発売日:2008年10月23日

Remember 11 OP- Little Prophet
The opening to all versions of the game except the PSP version. Sung by Kaori. Lyrics: masshiro no taiyou ha ima nani wo mitsumeru no? ooki sugiru kono uchuu de tatoeba nanika ga saken de demo sore ha kitto chiisakute dare ni mo kidukarenai mugen ni tsuduiteku keshiki mo yasashii uso nara inochi no imi sae dokoka ni magirete shimau yo The time was prophesied that will approach surely. (kakujitsu ni sekkin suru RIMITTO ga, yogen sare mashita.) The soul that was left in the world where it was too cold. (totemo samukatta sekai ni tori noko sareta tamashii.) masshiro no taiyou ha ima nani wo mitsumeru no? I want to sleep. I want to sleep deeply. I want to sleep. I want to sleep deeply. minikui sugata ha VE-RU de ooi kakushita mama ni shite fukisoku de ranzatsu na PURAIDO satsui ni mo nita kyouki anata ni yoku nita kage wo sagashite shimau yo RIARU na MATERIARU atsumete nanika ga kawaru no? The vague memory that was about to be lost. (ushinaware kaketa aimai na kioku.) Welcome to a place of the light that a prophecy book tells. (youkoso, yogensho ga shimesu hikari no basho he.) masshiro no taiyou ha ima nani wo mitsumeru no? I want to sleep. I want to sleep deeply. I want to sleep. I want to sleep deeply. The time was prophesied that will approach surely. (kakujitsu ni sekkin suru RIMITTO ga, yogen sare mashita.) The soul that was left in the world where it was too cold. (totemo samukatta sekai ni tori noko sareta tamashii.) The vague memory that was about to be lost ...