Chinese children sent to fat camps 02-Sept-07

Chinese children sent to fat camps 02-Sept-07

According to the government Chinese children are becoming super-sized, prompting concerns that it could lead to an obesity epdiemic. Al Jazeera's Melissa Chan went to one fat camp in Tianjin to see how overweight kids are trying to burn off the pounds.
RT @Mani_GeekedUp: Fat girls in tights <<<<<<<

RT @Treezy____: And her fat ass gone say step outside like I'm the only motherfucka laughing..... so I walk out and go to the fucking water fountain.

RT @ComedyTruth: We all have that one skinny friend that eats more than a fat person.

RT @yungblack_bp: @keepita100_SLIM yea even the fat bitches

.. My fat ass just ate a pack of crackers, a pecan swirl and a brownie. Smh

LOL. Guys, I am SO FAT.

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