Jaws 2 trailer 1978

Jaws 2 trailer 1978

Director: Jeannot Szwarc The small island resort town of Amity(Massachusetts) is trying to bounce back from the financial problems it had after becoming known as the site of shark attacks four years ago. Mayor Larry Vaughn is welcoming developer Len Peterson and his new resort to Amity. Two scuba divers are exploring the area where the Orca sank after police chief Martin Brody killed a huge shark four years ago. A shark shows up and kills the two divers, but not before one of the divers takes a close-up picture of the shark's eye, and sometime later, while a mother is driving a boat that's pulling her water-skiing teenage daughter, the shark kills the daughter and causes the mother to accidentally blow up the boat, then a killer whale is found on the shore with a huge bite on it. After Brody sees this, he knows there's another huge great white shark in Amity's waters, but Vaughn and Peterson explain these attacks away as non-shark accidents, because the thought of another shark in Amity's waters would drive tourists away from the new resort and cause the new resort to lose money. It looks like Vaughn is still a mayor who puts money ahead of people's lives. Brody tips his gun's hollow point bullets with cyanide and melted candle wax and tells his sons Michael and Sean to stay away from the beaches and tells them to not go sailing with Mike's friends, who include Vaughn's son Larry Vaughn Jr. Everyone thinks Brody's fears are shark trauma-induced paranoia. Brody even tries ...

RT @danshou: 塚越孝さんのこと。 映画「ジョーズ2」の劇場観覧チケットが当選したのは「宵の口」でした。封筒の裏にボールペンで走り書きされた「宵の口」の3文字を鮮明に覚えています。観たのは新宿ミラノ。通り過ぎるだけでも必ずジョーズ2→ラジオ→つかちゃんが連鎖で想起されます

@fma0108 ジョーズ、ジョーズ2、ジョーズ3、ジョーズ'87復讐篇。 どんだけあるんじゃい(´・ω・`)


@flaaaan09 @chatazusa 今度はジョーズ2見ようね笑


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