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Internet is for PORN!!

Internet is for PORN!!

Internet is for PORN!! This (wonderful:-) song is "The Internet Is For Porn", written by Jeff Marx and Robert Lopez, and it's from the broadway musical Avenue Q
This is bad. I wake up and think of world of Warcraft. I sleep and dream of World of Warcraft. I pee and it spells World of Warcraft.

LOL nicole tried to download World of Warcraft to my computer. what a gehpig.

@CallMeKendall23 haha awwwww :) that's so sweet :) just been so busy at my mams and playing world of Warcraft with my step dad haha!

RT @xDesiree97: Soms kijk je naar @La_Scienceboy en dan denk je goh die zal vast wel runescape spelen maar eigenlijk houdt hij meer van world of warcraft

RT @TSSLUFC: Chuck Norris only got the World Of Warcraft advert because Rodolph Austin said it was beneath him. #RodolphAustinfacts #LUFC

Cuma menikmati hidup kang "@adjhayrahman: koplak RT @iwan727: siang bangun , sore maen, balik rumah, tengah malem world of warcraft sampe.."

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