Van Halen - Fair Warning - Mean Street

Van Halen - Fair Warning - Mean Street

The first song from the Fair Warning album.
@JustinHaugens sweet! Fair warning, we're bike share sweaty!

RT @jcrclarksonesq: I give fair warning. If anyone mentions global warming ever again, I will set them on fire.

Fair warning ahead of time @Breeyn, your MLP toy sold out completely. We tried five separate times to get it. Sorry!

@HunterHayes I can't wait to see you in concert next week at the 65th Nemo fair in Kirksville, Missouri. I love your song "Storm Warning".

@goalhanger Obviously! Fair warning though, wear them with short-shorts and you may feel/look like a stripper. #oops

Somebody get this betch a shot #BADgirprobz RT @tnFrank: ..oh ps adam d****y is a psychopath. fair warning to the general public

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