Best Cry Ever

Best Cry Ever

Crying guy
RT @ComedyTed: Fuck with my best friend and I'll personally welcome you to hell.

Makasi luluuuuu (ɔ˘⌣˘)˘⌣˘ c) RT @adistiprestiani: Do the best yaa @Fanisarasati @aldirarasthy @andinieptr -(ˆ▽ˆ)/ \(ˆ▽ˆ)-

Another strong tweet night by @ChemicalAT as he savages HBO boxing. Waiting for response @SGVTribPreps. Best tweet wars ever

Okayy , gua dah start lapar . Memang best menunggu . Grrr ~

@ifacepunchppl I did the exact same thing but it was my best friend and her dad. I didn't do anything wrong and I got kicked out :(

RT @LiveYourWorth: Get your focus back on God in order to get everything else in your life in line... He's the best foundation to build your life upon!!

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