Saukrates - Say I ft. OB O'Brien

Saukrates - Say I ft. OB O'Brien

Music video by Saukrates performing Say I. 2012 FrostByte Media Inc.
You females say you hate double standards, then you embrace them smh

@dgibxo like I really saw it and was like oh gosh waiting for danna to say something haha. Text me cause there is something else!

Some woman can't say the word lesbian... even when their mouth is full of one.

@DairyBullsOnlin @GrothFarms Can't say there has been a pattern in calf presentation during birth. I've seen it all with them.

RT @horansfuckbuddy: @louisisgod I COULDN'T SAY I FOUND OUT AT 2am

If I owned a bar I would pour myself shots all the time, look in the mirror, wink and say "It's on the house."

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Jack Nicholson
