Brainstorm (Official Video)

Brainstorm (Official Video)

shot and directed by @billpaladino
Bret Michaels is at the studio today shooting a documentary. Time to brainstorm #BretMichaelsIceBreakers

@chams300 yea we definitely will. We can brainstorm some dates this week. I want to be Wilhomena. I'll tell the guys the can call me willy

brainstorm foi lindo viu

@abqmichelle @jessshaf OK. So what kind of top, and why won't it work? (So I can help brainstorm a solution!)

RT @AsToldByLola_: @chams300 yea we definitely will. We can brainstorm some dates this week. I want to be Wilhomena. I'll tell the guys the can call me willy

@bridgetneild you should do :) just brainstorm ideas about what you want to write about :) ,personally i find it easier doin it to a beat xx

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