Tricks by Jeter, a pekingese

Tricks by Jeter, a pekingese

I read somewhere that pekingese are the seventh least intelligent dogs. Not so from my own experience and from watching videos with other pekes who know a lot of tricks. Here is my 9 month old peke Jeter showing how smart he is.
@devilchick36 haha. Like the candy. Im probably guessing wrong but what is it a pekingese???

Im going to get a Pekingese !!!!!

RT @AminataSylla2 My dog is a Pekingese >

I've had all sorts of dog breeds: Rottweilers, Dobermann, German Shepherds, Azul de Gazcuña, Bloodhound, Shih-Tzu, Pekingese, Boxers,

RT @TheJerzyJerkOff @devilchick36 haha. Like the candy. Im probably guessing wrong but what is it a pekingese???

My dog is a Pekingese >

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