1位 46.97 東京(1)鈴木 夢桜(2) (2)中嶋 瑞穗(3) (3)高森 真帆(2) (4)武田 夏子(1) 2位 47.22 白梅学園(1)香坂 さゆり(2) (2)利藤 野乃花(2) (3)安西 この実(3) (4)村上 ちはる(1) 3位 47.39 八王子(1)尾崎 草苗(2) (2)杉山 奈誇(3) (3)林 小百合(2) (4)小林 茉由(1) 4位 47.49 市立船橋(1)田久保 志穂(3) (2)後藤 百花 (2) (3)牧野 百恵 (3) (4)小門 珠美 (3) 5位 47.71 川崎市立橘(1)酒向 里奈(3) (2)オウイエ 聖羅(3) (3)田原 寧々(2) (4)武内 緩奈(1) 6位 47.86 川崎北(1)久家 愛理(2) (2)松尾 佳奈(2) (3)杉崎 円香(2) (4)土屋 美乃里(2) 7位 48.57 東京学館(1)伊藤 奈々(2) (2)香取 優花(3) (3)佐藤 里佳(3) (4)明石 優理(3) DQ *R3 相洋(1)中村 有里(2) (2)杉崎 ゆうな(2) (3)萩原 咲稀(2) (4)久家 由貴奈(2) ・DQ :失 格・*R3:オーバーゾーン 3→4

Hot Hot Heat - Oh, Goddamnit
Lyrics: Regular exposure to insecticide has caused me to break out in hives. I'm losing weight. I cannot wait till Saturday... cuz on Saturday, my tax deductions make me function like a blue collar... white collar...? ...I don't know -so I gotta hollar "Oh! Oh Goddamnit! I think I've lost it! Oh God! Goddamnit, I think I've lost you! Anti-oxidants have got me causing accidents because my wine is spiked with pomegranite. If you've got just one, then slam it. Shot down -it's just such a shame. I bet you feel no pain. Mercy! Expect a rivalry. Shot down -it's just such a shame. I'm losing at this game. No fair! Why don't you seem to care. Lack of consequence has got me making decisions based upon truth or dare decision making. No faking. I end up taking karate. She's naughty... I call shotty! My body will never live up to these expectations... I still make invitations. Oh! Oh Goddamnit. I think I've lost it and I think that I've lost you.