Rosanjin - Michelin 1 Star Authentic Japanese Kaiseki 懐石料理Restaurant in New York City, NY
Homepage www.gourmetnyctv.com Facebook https www.rosanjintribeca.com The video produced by Pure Soul Productions Inc. www.puresoulprod.com Forbes magazine 4 star. http Dishes are (in order of appearance) 1. Takikomigohan: Big pot of rice seasoned and cooked with sea urchin, scallop & shimeji mushroom 2. Assorted Appetizer (Zensai) : grilled aka mutsu, tuna temari sushi, ankimo, salmon & radish roll, simmered Japanese sweet bean 3. Tempurai 4. Crab Shinjo Soup 5. Sashimi 6. Dessert: Azuki crème brulee, black sugar ice cream & cheese cake ニューヨークの本格懐石料理の店Rosanjin About Rosanjin: Here at Rosanjin Tribeca, our dedication to food, like Rosanjin's art, encompasses the aesthetic essence of Japanese culture and cuisine. Our vision was initially inspired by one of Japan's most celebrated food connoisseurs and artists, Rosanjin Kitaoji. Rosanjin revolutionized the idea of Japanese cuisine and achieved his lifetime quest for beauty and art through food. At the core, kaiseki is the "art of food," a celebration involving extraordinary attention to detail in every aspect of the experience. For this reason, and to provide impeccable and thorough service, our restaurant consists only of 9 tables. We are dedicated to giving the utmost care to each process of the kaiseki experience. Kaiseki enjoys a beautiful history, rooted in the Zen monasteries of ancient Kyoto. We have transported this tradition and first class cuisine to Tribeca. Simply stated, kaiseki consists of a ...

Burzum - Ea, Lord of the Depths
From his 1992 debut album Burzum Lyrics to Ea, of the Depths The Head is a Head of a Serpent From its Nostrils Mucus Trickles... The Ears Are those of a Basilisk His Horns Are Twisted into three Curls The Body is a Sun Fish, Full of Stars The Base of His Feet Are Claws His Name Is Sassu Wunnu A Sea Monster. A Form of Ea

x264 and XviD Encoding in VirtualDub Tutorial
A Tutorial on how to easily encodewith x264 or XviD in virtualdub, a lightwieght, easy program to use. MUCH simpler than meGUI with no difference in the final product. Virtualdub download: virtualdub.sourceforge.net x264 codec download: sourceforge.net XviD codec download: www.xvid.org Hope this helps. ReLoaD

2010年3月13日 第58回中京記念 レース映像
2010年 3月13日(土) 2回中京3日 天候: 曇 馬場状態: 良 11R 第58回トヨタ賞中京記念4歳以上・オープン・G3(ハンデ) (国際) 芝 2000m 18頭立------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 着枠 馬 馬名 性齢 騎手 斤量 タイム 3F 人体重 廐舎------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1 3 5 シャドウゲイト 牡 8 田中勝春 57.5 2.02.0 35.3 4 500 (美)加藤征弘2 8 18 タスカータソルテ 牡 6 松田大作 57 2.02.2 35.1 12 462 (栗)藤原英昭3 2 4 ホッコーパドゥシャ 牡 8 鮫島良太 57 2.02.3 34.8 15 478 (栗)村山明4 8 17 サンライズベガ 牡 6 池添謙一 55 2.02.3 35.5 11 496 (栗)音無秀孝5 1 1 リトルアマポーラ 牝 5 中舘英二 56 2.02.3 35.4 7 478 (栗)長浜博之6 7 14 ナリタクリスタル 牡 4 武豊 55 2.02.4 35.0 3 482 (栗)木原一良7 5 10 エアシャトゥーシュ 牡 5 岩田康誠 55 2.02.5 35.0 5 472 (栗)藤原英昭8 8 16 マイネルスターリー 牡 5 松岡正海 56 2.02.5 35.4 1 482 (栗)加用正9 4 8 シャインモーメント 牡 5 石橋脩 54 2.02.6 35.3 10 492 (栗)飯田雄三10 6 11 サクラオリオン 牡 8 和田竜二 57 2.02.7 35.0 9 482 (栗)池江泰郎11 5 9 トウショウシロッコ 牡 7 吉田豊 56 2.02.7 34.8 6 490 (美)大久保洋12 6 12 マンハッタンスカイ 牡 6 川島信二 55 2.02.7 35.0 17 538 (栗)浅見秀一13 7 15 ベルモントルパン 牡 6 松山弘平 53 2.02.8 36.2 18 484 (美)和田正道14 1 2 ホワイトピルグリム 牡 5 安藤勝己 56 2.02.9 35.7 2 456 (栗)鮫島一歩15 4 7 レオマイスター 牡 5 古川吉洋 54 2.02.9 35.1 16 496 (美)古賀慎明16 2 3 モエレビクトリー 牡 4 的場勇人 54 2.03.0 36.5 8 516 (美)的場均17 3 6 ...