Dogs 101 - Shar-Pei

Dogs 101 - Shar-Pei

Spending the night with Frankie, the Shar Pei, tonight! She's lovely and have been playing lots of tug-of-war!!

My sister got a new Shar Pei puppy today. (The wrinkly dogs) It's fucking horrible!!

RT @lausaysmeow: Si Dios nos quisiera, no permitiría que se nos hicieran lonjas de perro Shar Pei.

RT @DarthMeerkat: Wife just bought a Shar Pei puppy bitch. She’s an ugly thing with roll after roll of fat and a big slobbery mouth. The puppy is cute though.

Giuuu!! me chocan esas arrugas en la nuca que se le hacen a los señores.. tipo shar pei! me dan problemita

Really want a shar pei... Sooo cute

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