ADHD So what's it really like to have ADHD? What is ADHD? And does it really exist? A lot of people assume I'm anti-drug therapy. This is not true. What I'm against is hasty prescriptions without trying other alternatives. I believe drug therapy should come later in the list of options. But everyone is different and the simple fact of the matter is, prescription drugs do work for many people. Just make sure you're making an informed decision when you turn to meds.

RT @JustCamiel: RT @rawrJORiAN: Ik heb honger. / ik heb ADHD - ik heb aids.

@ekafaggot no srsly, I probably have ADHD, and I'm dyslexic :3

RT @BZthunderup: @Toni2shoes51 is a wonderful person. Makes me laugh for days on days #ADHD

no ADHD pill = sleeping all car ride #ilikethat

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