Germs and You

Germs and You

a 50's era "educational" type film....
@KevinFetti lol yikessssssss , your saying TOO much on twittter right now !! lol i was gettin quick moneyy and splurgedd with Domo

@Germ_Afobia cuffin ass!!!! On dogs let me find out you pippin tht lol where was you at earlier ? & I'll get you bk

RT @TheComedySaying: *Food hits floor* Little germs: GET IT!!! King Germ: NO! We must wait 5 seconds!

@Germ_Afobia what you doing over there my nigga ? Let me find out aha

RT @TheComedySaying: *Food hits floor* Little germs: GET IT!!! King Germ: NO! We must wait 5 seconds!

RT @sirwillyj13: When people follow, unfollow, then follow you again to try and get you to follow them #NotHappening

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