Mozart Sonata for Two Pianos in D, K. 448; 1st movement; Perahia & Lupu

Mozart Sonata for Two Pianos in D, K. 448; 1st movement; Perahia & Lupu

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart Radu Lupu Murray Perahia About 15 years ago, neurobiologists from the University of California at Irvine performed an experiment which concluded that listening to K. 448 for 10 minutes was correlated with a temporal increase of 8-9 IQ points. However, they determined that this enhanced intellectual capacity was related to spatial intelligence (the dependent variable), and that it only lasted about 15 minutes. Each of 36 college students was given three treatments (the independent variable) before being tested three respective times: listening to K. 448 for 10 minutes; a relaxation tape for 10 minutes; and sitting in silence for 10 minutes. Directly after each treatment was applied, the test subject was assigned to tackle spatial reasoning exercises (such as paper-folding problems), and the associated score was then converted to a Stanford-Binet intelligence scale. Statistical analyses showed that the mean IQs corresponding to the second and third treatments were not significantly different from one another, but the average IQ for the first treatment was significantly higher than the other two treatments. Source:
7/12 2005- G&S・ペキネル(P)。シューベルトの幻想曲、モーツァルトの2台PソナタK.448、ドビュッシーの白と黒で、プーランクの悲歌、インファンテのアンダルーサ舞曲、ルトスワフスキのパガニーニ変奏曲。6/28フォーラム(SWR) #classicalnetradio

@Juliette_efe Sabías que la Sonata para Dos Pianos en Re Mayor K 448, de Mozart. Tranquiliza a la gente, libera enfordinas, y otras...?

@airi_0305 ん~、でもやっぱりショパンが好きw おおぉ!K.448?

Sonata for 2 Pianos in D, K 448 - I. Allegro con spirito

3 Salon M S L Rank K 448 Oficer Bharti, Pnjab K 360 Or Sindh K Siref 2? Nechly Levl M 1136 Bharti, Jes M Sindh k Sirf 2?

RT @netradio_wiki: 7/12 2005- G&S・ペキネル(P)。シューベルトの幻想曲、モーツァルトの2台PソナタK.448、ドビュッシーの白と黒で、プーランクの悲歌、インファンテのアンダルーサ舞曲、ルトスワフスキのパガニーニ変奏曲。6/28フォーラム(SWR) #classicalnetradio

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