advantage lucy - teacap ride

advantage lucy - teacap ride

2009.11.26 WEB LIVE
RT @GreatestQuotes: "A person who won't read has no advantage over one who can't read." - Mark Twain

@ykabasawa お行儀いいだけの自己満足デモだから怖いわけ無いわ(笑)無駄過ぎ

@beth_lynchxx @xx_Hannah_xox @rhiannonhaneyxx hahha, that's the advantage of twitter ;):L

@rosiemaebrown Think u took full advantage of the freezer breaking today #eateverythinginsight #whoateallthecake #gymtime

Had a lovely lunch date with the gorgeous Mr Crook one advantage of Lucy being in school

RT @factsonfemales: I hate liars, hypocrites, & people who take advantage of people who care about them.

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My Merry Maybe
