BF110 in Action (1942)

BF110 in Action (1942)

Combat footage. German Wartime Newsreel (Die Deutsche Wochenschau 1st August 1942).
RT @Amore_Lovesyouu: RT @Amore_Lovesyouu: my boyfriend is the best bf ever he is so sweet and supports me 110% i love him

@saraahbaker 110 tweets deep oh sheeeeeeeeeeeeet. What made you say that anyway, were you bitching about your bf/ex on it? Hahaha

What If I am 110% better off without my bf and I didn't know this whole time **** lol just kidding **...

RT @Sc0ttish_Pr1ck: RT @Sc0ttish_Pr1ck: 13 year old bf and gf in tReds and the girl beat the boy up with a hat because he wouldn't buy her £110 shoes! lol y ...

13 year old bf and gf in tReds and the girl beat the boy up with a hat because he wouldn't buy her £110 shoes! lol young love

RT @mally_wifey: RT @mally_wifey: Omg! Im in da car wit my sister bf & he is goin 110 on da express way <

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