KawaiiRice v WhiteRa pHD HOTS Beta 3rd Place g3

KawaiiRice v WhiteRa pHD HOTS Beta 3rd Place g3

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@IShotSy_ @3ForDa_3rd On 6th pine, u goin with her?

RT @NRiotto: RT @NRiotto: I wanna know the reasoning behind hiring a 3rd hall monitor... Did they just have an extra pair of shape-ups to hand out?

RT @xo_briaa: RT @xo_briaa: 1st ** Meet 2nd ** Fall in Love 3rd **Stack Money 4th **** Get Married 5th ✈** Travel The World 6th ****** Have Kids 7th **** G ...

@_Mauy and tomorrow will be the 2nd day and then the 3rd day and etc. Ahahah #yeswecan ahahah

oh yeah my birthday dec. 3rd i forgot im turnin tf up n leavin ..but im not gon say too much**

RT @JeSuisPasUnAnge: RT @JeSuisPasUnAnge: OH MY GOD!!!! DFASYNHJNKJHGF I love the name of BVB's 3rd album dfghjkl;

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