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Summer Snow

Summer Snow

It's summer snow in the deep blue sea I try to touch but it fades away It must be a dream I will never get Just like my love that's crying for you If there were something not to change forever We could feel it deep, deep in our heart Today was over with a million tears Still everyone has a wish to live
summer is over who cares? Snow is coming.

RT @_MikeLow: RT @_MikeLow: missing the summer but I can't wait for the snow ****

わたしのウォークマンのシャッフル機能がヰシン志士をおそろしいほど推してくる!大丈夫わかってる Summer Snowがあまりに優秀だったからと言ってヰシンがすべての始まりだって忘れてないwwドリームチェイスワァァァァァァアアアンヌァ!(ひよ)

The snow could wait lol RT @_MikeLow: missing the summer but I can't wait for the snow ****

@iAmLILCRIP lol you'll like it. It's beautiful. Only in the summer tho. I'm not fond of snow.

I hate snow , pants , and being cold ! Please bring summer back **

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