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Last Night, Good Night [Absorb]

Last Night, Good Night [Absorb]

Source: www.nicovideo.jp 「Last Night, Good Night」を歌ってみました。by absorb
It took me almost two years to fully listen, and absorb @MCEsoteric's "Serve of Suffer" ...goldgoldgoldgold.

What's the point of staying up late if I can't even absorb half of what i'm reviewing -___-

Mandie just told me I only have 74 days left on earth before the world ends. I need a nap to absorb that. **

@NatesCoffee cut done apples in half and put them under the seats. It helps absorb the smell.

@Sleestak I don't remember Dazzler being able to absorb sound, just convert it to light. Like an even more worthless Jubilee.

I could sit out here &absorb this sunshine all day :)

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