ポケモン不思議のダンジョン赤・青の救助隊 天空の塔20和音音源
ポケモン不思議のダンジョン赤・青の救助隊より天空の塔20音 となってます神の領域に聞こえる私ですが この曲は 何回聴いても飽きが来ない そう私は思っていますポケダン救助隊赤・青の救助隊をやった方なら おそらくわかってもらえると思うのですが・・・ 動画ソフトがないとか終わってる自分な罠(((
Fujiki Naohito 'Voice Link' MV ( edited scenes from '愛し君へ')
'Itoshii kimie (to the one I love)' is a story of a cameraman losing his eyesight and a pediatrician who falls in love with him. 'Voice Link' is Fujiki Naohito's ballad song, from his 5th album 'Life Goes On'.
VLOG: Randomness,video ideas,school etc
---------------- OPEN IT YOU KNOW YOU WAN'T TO-------------------- Hey guys I hope that you all enjoyed this video and comment down below video request and ya that other stuff I asked you to comment HEY YOU! WANNA KEEP IN TOUCH!! TWEET ME!!!: twitter.com FOLLOW ME ON TUMBLR: fashion4fashionxo.tumblr.com INSTAGRAM: Fashion4fashionxo KIK: FASHION4FASHIOXO EMAIL: FASHION4FASHIONXO@GMAIL.COM (FOR BUISNESS INQUIRES OR IF YOU JUST WANNA CHAT)