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Toy Review: SIC Kamen Rider Super-1

Toy Review: SIC Kamen Rider Super-1

Before there was Kamen Rider Fourze, Kamen Rider Super 1 was a Rider built by the Americans and Japanese for him to survive in space without the bulky stuff. That is why Super-1 has tassels similar to a cowboy's upper garment. The SIC Kamen Rider Super-1 is equally handsome as Skyrider. In fact in SIC form Super-1 even looks better than the character on the show. I'm now more excited to see ZX soon to complete the final triumvirate of Showa riders to grace the SIC line. Saying "highly recommend" is too modest for me to describe Super-1. Full Written Review Here: firestarterstoys.blogspot.com More news, photos and reviews at: firestarterstoys.blogspot.com twitter.com www.facebook.com email me at Firestarter1331@gmail.com
October 06, 2012 at 03:30PM正是喝咖啡的好時光,沖一杯卡布奇諾休息休息眼睛吧:)


下午自己沖一杯咖啡,PEG買的耶加雪菲15g,中細研磨,使用Poison濾杯,Lambert手沖壼,水溫約92度,沖成約250ml的咖啡。 新鮮的豆子果然好喝,Lambert的咖啡壼也很好控制水流,連我這樣手極度不穩的人都能控制好。

【狩野派の画家】沖一峨、河鍋暁斎、久隅守景、英一蝶  (ダミーは葛飾北斎、歌川国芳、川合玉堂、菱川師宣、安藤広重) 、歌川国芳さんが要注意、ちぃ覚えた。

【狩野派の画家】沖一峨、河鍋暁斎、久隅守景、英一蝶  (ダミーは葛飾北斎、歌川国芳、川合玉堂、菱川師宣、安藤広重) 、歌川国芳さんが要注意、ちぃ覚えた。

October 08, 2012 at 03:30PM正是喝咖啡的好時光,沖一杯卡布奇諾休息休息眼睛吧:)

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