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Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie

Tim Minchin's Storm the Animated Movie

In the confines of a London dinner party, comedian Tim Minchin argues with a hippy named Storm. While Storm herself may not be converted, audiences from London to LA have been won over by Tim's wordplay and the timely message of the film in a society where science and reason are portrayed as the enemy of belief. Written and performed by Tim Minchin @timminchin. Directed by DC Turner @dcturner. Produced by Tracy King @tkingdoll. www.stormmovie.net Italian subtitles by www.comedysubs.org English subtitles by Jason Livingston Russian subtitles by Denis Olshin
@crist_aal Hee lydi, goedemorgen vroege lieve vogel, fijne woensdag #knuf


RT @Country_Voices: RT @Country_Voices: Every heartache will fade away, just like every storm runs out of rain. #GaryAllan

RT @dooordyestudio: RT @dooordyestudio: Changed around the studio today, in the midst of a regular entrepreneurial storm! #keepitmoving

"...Leave me at my worst & want me when i'm at my best. Can't weather the storm, broken hearts have become the norm..."

I get to see the beautiful Kaliah on Friday <333333 :DDDD

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