[SUB!] Tokimemo 2 - 水無月琴子 ED 2 (ハッピー) / Kotoko Minaduki ED v2 (Happy)

[SUB!] Tokimemo 2 - 水無月琴子 ED 2 (ハッピー) / Kotoko Minaduki ED v2 (Happy)

Video of Kotoko Minaduki's 2nd Ending in Tokimeki Memorial 2, on Playstation 1. Kotoko is one of the girls in Tokimemo 2 with several ending variations. In her case, she has two variations (or rather three, since her second Ending has two branches, a Happy version and a Bad version). I'm showing you her second variation, in its Happy Ending version. To get it, you need to have both Kotoko and Hikari in love with you, with Kotoko having a higher Love Gauge than Hikari's ; and during the Ending, you need to give the answer : "I hafta chase after Kotoko !". I may not be a fan of Kotoko, but this Ending is without a doubt of the most awesome ones of this game. Kotoko is frikkin' adorable in there. This Ending is actually the reason that pushed me to complete the game with her so soon, otherwise she would have been one of the last chars I'd tackle the Route. Enjoy the vid ! ;)

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