•◕Tonkhai◕• Real 「歌ってみた」 Dual! デュアル!

•◕Tonkhai◕• Real 「歌ってみた」 Dual! デュアル!

The ending song for Dual! Parallel Adventure Trouble (デュアル!ぱられルンルン物語 デュアル! ) Real! You know the guy that made 'Tenchi'? Or if you're old and cool 'El Hazard'? Same creator guy, Masaki Kajishima, the man who got the formula right. There's a theory going around that we're pretty sure what happened with this series is that he watched EVA, didn't really understand it, and was like.... "I can do that!" And added one of his patented plot twists and harem of girls with weirdly colored hair. Hilarity ensues. Basically, sad boy-pants there can see into the parallel universe where robutts are dukin' it out all over the place. Distressing. Then he's over there somehow. More distressing. More Robutts. I'm not good at blurbs. I'm not particularly recommending it, but I would advise people watch Tenchi and El Hazard at least. Both are kind of brilliant. This one is cute and amusing, and a good example of the last generation before cell animation died out. ;_; In any case, I really like the music for this series. This song is particular is my 'sing when I'm sad' song. I'm pretty sure I recorded this when I was being all emo-y. This is an older recording (two years old?) but I like it. I'm only uploading it now because I'm lame. I don't own anything about the song other than my voice, I just enjoy doing fandubs out of my love for the song and series. I hope you enjoy listening as much as I enjoyed making it! Fandub: Tonkhai MP3: www.box.net Originally Performed by: Shifo ...
デュアル!ぱられルンルン物語 は、ロボットものにふくめていい、ん、だよ、な・・・・




【スロット】『天地無用!』の梶島正樹が原作を手がけた1999年放送のロボットアニメは『○○○○!ぱられルンルン物語』? 【答】デュアル


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