Traffic Trailer HQ (2000)

Traffic Trailer HQ (2000)

Director: Steven Soderbergh Cast: Michael Douglas;Benicio de Toro; Dennis Quaid; Catherine Zeta-Jones; Salma Hayek. Plot:A conservative judge is appointed by the President to spearhead America's escalating war against drugs, only to discover that his teenage daughter is an addict.
:) RT @farismustaqim: Traffic light dah bertambah sebanyak lapan ratus tiang. Ini adalah perjalanan yang lebih selesa!

It seems the harbour line passenger traffic is up 37% but the frequency hasn't. #data

RT @NatashaAida: RT @NatashaAida: Kota Damansara's traffic is awesome today :)

Ayo traffic, traffic, lookin for my Chapstick! Feelin kinda car sick... THERE'S A FORD MAVERICK!

@PilosopoTasy0 IMHO ,the problem is not the traffic rules_it's the traffic enforcers.:-) Strict implementation is the key! #Jeepney

Driving traffic is all about mindset. It's either PAY for it or WORK for it. Nothing more

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