Ao no Exorcist OST - 16 Assiah Fantasia First Movement : Call me later (Lyrics on screen)

Ao no Exorcist OST - 16 Assiah Fantasia First Movement : Call me later (Lyrics on screen)

All Rights Reserved © 2009, 2011 Kazue Kato A-1 Pictures All tracks are composed and arranged by Hiroyuki Sawano. In the middle of night I was far from the fight They freely pass me by Lyrics: Then I'm totally out of space and seeking my friends Is there anyone who needs me? I hear what you say There's the tiniest hope You can change yourself If you want to Then you find the door We can walk from the past I was a frog in a well Smile like you've never done I'm so fine Then you hold me tight under bad weather If you understand why I was crying on the river so Dwell on my self All the time And you follow the light I was far from the fight They freely pass me by Then I'm totally out of space and seeking my friends Is there anyone who needs me? I hear what you say There's the tiniest hope You can change yourself If you want to Then you find the door We can walk from the past I was a frog in a well Smile like you've never done I'm so fine Then you hold me tight under bad weather If you understand why I was crying on the river so Dwell on my self All the time
【定期】好きな作家様(マンガ編):神田猫さん・御巫桃也さん・加藤和恵さん・天野明さん・星野桂さん・高山しのぶさん・藤原ゆうさん・もちさん・藤原ここあさん・池山田剛さん・龍華哲さん・山葵マグロさん・九猫あざみさん・うるち米丸さん・中村春菊さん など。






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