| Inside The Bubble Update | A First Look At Some Wii U Interface

| Inside The Bubble Update | A First Look At Some Wii U Interface

Earlier today while visiting the Nintendo World Store in New York, I had a chance to check out their new Wii U demo stations. The station that I checked out had a new menu system. While this is probably no where near the final product and might not even see daylight in terms of being part of the consumer OS, it does give us a glimpse of what game selection menus or even what the Wii U's eShop might look like, including a category selection option. The interface enables users to scroll through game covers selecting to either play a demo or watch video of the game. The only game that had its demo button activated was Rayman Legends, which leads me to believe that either Nintendo will gradually make the other game demos available in store. The "cover flow" system is similar to the Starlight Fun Center, which is a hard drive-based Wii installed in many hospitals, as well as the Nintendo World Store. Will this be part of the Wii U's final interface? I guess only time will tell. Inside the Bubble is a NWR exclusive weekly show that gives you a quick, to the point rundown of Nintendo news. We cover the Wii U, 3DS, and everything Nintendo related... in a fun way ;) Check back every Saturday morning (EST) for a fresh new episode. www.NintendoWorldReport.com Join the convo on Twitter with @910Norex
@officialhazzas @OnlyFLdares will u marry me?

@RealMerrinD hiiii if u could tweet something about hh !!!

RT @tenchou64: RT @tenchou64: 大切に生きなくちゃ意味なんてない生まれてきたからには死ぬまで生きろっちゅ~こっちゃ  by野田洋次郎

RT @TheRealTank: RT @TheRealTank: Sometimes u have the except the space u have in someone's life. Fighting for more could do more harm than good..

Ignite the bones...n ii will try to.... Fix u!!!

lol im fake but when eerbody b talking boutcho ass who defend u??

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