坊や お空をごらん 上村一夫
1970年代「同棲時代」で一躍有名になった漫画家・上村一夫。 漫画家である傍ら、毎晩のように酒場でギターを弾いて歌っていたという。 1975年にマキシマムレコードより発売。

家族全員で日本へ?Should I Move My Whole Family to Japan? (The King Moron Answers!)
Thanks, MissHannahMinx! youtube.com Shout out video: www.youtube.com ---------------------- Kurt from Softypapa and Mully from Warmothstrat have pulled me into a very interesting idea. THIS! jvlog.org ---------------------- 家族全員で日本へ?Should I Move My Whole Family Move to Japan? (King Moron Answers Your Questions!) Hello friend, as I'm sure you must have figured from the topic of this message I'm not pleased with the direction of the US has gone for quite some time now. I found you through your up-load concerning racism in Japan and thought you might have some useful direction. Before I bore you with a long list of questions I will share a little about myself and then ask the most important. My wife of eighteen years and I have three children, one boy, 15 and two girls, 17. My wife works as an STNA and I'm an out of work 43yr. old tree worker living (EXISTING) in north central Ohio. You will see from any of the up-loads we have on our two YouTube channels we have a passion for fishing. My son and I fish together constantly and love watching bass fishing up-loads from Japan. I personally am most intrigued by the fishing industry in Japan and the products they develop that make the sport more enjoyable. I have some skills outside of physical labor, one being creating items that make my outdoor experience more pleasant through convenience. Here in the states you have to be so careful of what and whom you share intellectual property details with for fear of your idea ...

sister princess repure amv 2
i redid my own video. i say this version is 10000000 X better than the first, so this is like my kinda still my first amv. again, this only used the same 4 first episodes, but i made clips of the second parts. and again i wanted to included everyone as much as possible but they don't do that in the show, so i had to make do. sorry, youtube doesn't show all of the flashes and pics at the right time, so you may have to rewind to see what i wanted it to be. hope you all enjoy. please give some comments and rating.