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Burmese TV Update 10-06-2012

Burmese TV Update 10-06-2012

Daily TV Magazine Program delivers the latest news from around the world and Burma with detailed coverage on international news, current world news, and Burma headlines such as politics, business, health, culture and society, education, entertainment, sports and general reports.
watching a japanese film named "burmese harp" for japanese literature class! ww2 WWWWWWWWAAA

I want some coco noodles. If only I knew how to cook Burmese food.

@PiersTonight @hulkhogan I've held part of one! Python that is! Burmese. Her name was Susie! :)

I wore news socks today and I think the "cotton" label isn't telling the truth as my feet now smell of hot vinegar. So thanks, Burmese 11yo.

"I've been blessed with many things in this life. An arm like a damn rocket, a cock like a Burmese python, and the mind of a scientist"

@ItsNotAlexTran 1/4 Viet, Flip, Japanese and White. LMAO or 1/4 Burmese and Chinese.

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