Dogfights: The Last Gun Fighter Part 3
The F-8 Crusader was the last US fighter designed with guns as its primary weapon. US fighter aircraft are once again being fitted with guns, largely due to the Vietnam airwar experience. Missile-only aircraft were at a distinct disadvantage in the environment many thought passé --- the dogfight. The Crusader with its guns, and Crusader drivers well versed in dogfighting, led to a resurgence in gun-equipped aircraft, and a renewed emphasis in ACM -- Air Combat Maneuvering.
claudia's theme - the unforgiven
me playing beautifull instrumental claudia's theme (lennie niehaus&clint eastwood) from the movie unforgiven :o)
Honoo no Alpen Rose - OP (HQ Jap)
Honoo no Alpen Rose: Judy & Randy - Jap - Opening 炎のアルペンローゼ ジュディ&ランディ - Jap - Opening Alpenrose of Fire Judy and Randy - Jap - Opening TV, 20Ep 1985
戸越まごめ - You're in ruins
作曲:soundTeMP・編曲:戸越まごめ(STB)・画像:オダワラハコネ(C66)가니니빠[CD] 原曲 Ragnarok Online_BGM