NDS『ロックマン ゼロ コレクション』プロモーション映像
ロックマン ゼロ コレクション■発売日:好評発売中(2010年6月10日発売) ■希望小売価格:4190円(税込) ■公式サイト:http ■対応ハード:NDS ■ジャンル:2Dアクション■プレイ人数:1人■CEROレーティング:A(全年齢対象)

MC Frontalot - Stoop Sale [OFFICIAL VIDEO]
From the album Solved by MC Frontalot frontalot.com ... Directed by Max Isaacson ... Lyric by D. Hess, Music by D. Hess, Gabriel Alter, and David T. Cheong. (C)2011 by MC Frontalot for Level Up Records & Tapes, Published by Nerdcore Fervor Conglomerated (ASCAP). ... Lyric: I nearly blew right by in my hurry to the subway when I heard someone say, "Isn't autumn lovely?" And as I stopped to observe that this was correct to the proprietor, I couldn't help but inspect the folding table by the railing laden with her goods: ashtrays made of metal; little angels made of wood; hand mirror with the handle broken (still pretty nice); wall-wart to charge a telephone; trays to make ice. The advice of my neighbor, "Go ahead, take your time. We'll negotiate price on whatever you find." And then shining in the detritus, I saw the brightest flash of something precious. I began to feel the slightest little tingle in my innards. I was like, "What's that?" Then her bare-tooth chuckle, "It's a buckle for a strap on a hat, like a lady wears to court or church. But it holds a special property. I'll tell you how it works." It was a stoop sale, which is a garage sale if you live in Brooklyn, which I do. And at the stoop sale, which is like a yard sale except that it's in Brooklyn, I got my due. Somehow I knew she was serious. I reached to pick it up, but she stayed my hand. Her reprimand, it was abrupt. "This little trinket," she said, "grants wishes. It can make everything you ever eat ...