Lee Morgan Yesterday
I do not own the copyright to this recording so if it needs to be removed, I will remove it. This video is for entertainment purposes only. Composed by John Lennon & Paul McCartney Arranged by Oliver Nelson Lee Morgan:Trumpet Ernie Royal:Trumpet Tom McIntosh:Trombone Jim Buffington:French Horn Don Butterfield:Tuba Phil Woods:Clarinet Wayne Shorter:Tenor Sax Danny Bank:Bass Clarinet McCoy Tyner:Piano Bob Cranshaw:Bass Philly Joe Jones:Drums Recorded at the Van Gelder Studio Englewood Cliffs, NJ. April 8, 1966 Originally issued on the 1966 album "Lee Morgan:Delightfulee" (Blue Note BST 84243) (LP) This recording taken from the 2004 CD "Blue Note Plays The Beatles"

12月16日発売 DVD『ブラック・ジャック FINAL スペシャル・エディション』の発売告知用プロモーション映像です。 出﨑統、渾身のラストワークをお楽しみに。 キャストは大塚明夫、水谷優子に加え坂本真綾、中村悠一、朴[王路]美、森久保祥太郎を迎えています。 www.facebook.com


SplitPlaythru: Xenosaga Episode II - Jenseits von Gut und Böse [ゼノサーガ エピソードII 善悪の彼岸] (033) Momo shuts herself off; Immigrant Fleet would claim Zohar for themselves; Helmer's command for Jin
This isplaythru for US version of the game on PS2 concole. Xenosaga Episode II Jenseits von Gut und Böse ゼノサーガ エピソードII 善悪の彼岸 split infinity splitinfinity splitplaythru walkthrough babes shion kos-mos ziggy momo chaos jr jin margulis pellegri anima ES girl power greatest