Over Time - Ending

Over Time - Ending

Ending of the Japanese drama serial "Over Time" (1999).
RT @ItsLifeNotes: RT @ItsLifeNotes: A real boyfriend calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries, gets jealous, over protective ...

The Fact That I Almost Fell Off My Bed For The Second Time. Forgetting My Bed Is High I Keep Rolling Over To The Edge

Da last time i got a hickie was over a year

@kielwright I forgive to easy. And end up screwing myself over. Every damn time.

If NSY ever need an extra nose to sniff out a coffee shop at this time in the morning, I am all over it!

RT @ItsLifeNotes: RT @ItsLifeNotes: A real boyfriend calls you for nothing, texts you all the time, wants to see you, cries, gets jealous, over protective ...

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