Pet Interviews - Guinea Pig

Pet Interviews - Guinea Pig

1000 pets were interviewed by Pets Add Life. Conclusion: Pets need a pal to talk to. Check out for more info. Footage of Rory submitted by minipigsDOTcom
@Alex_VanHook You know how much shit I do for you. so go ahead and make me look like the bad guy because I pet your dog.

RT @biiiiaf_: RT @biiiiaf_: Verdade, eu vi a @gabiibordon hojê na frente do pet *-*

I want a pet turtle **

RT @Cinemex: RT @Cinemex: 2x1 con Pepsi y @Cinemex! Solo entrega en taquilla 2 envases Pet de Pepsi de 600ml y lleva a quien tú quieras al cine → htt ...

The only thing missing on this bus to daily parking is a couple of live chickens, a pet anaconda, and a goat. #adventuresinflying

omg I finally have the heat on in my car it smells like a pet store

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