Party Fears Two The Associates

Party Fears Two The Associates

1982....I loved this song....set to some gothic images....turning back time again for those of us who loved the era...
I've cut off some friends and a lot of associates over the years...

RT @CuriousLemming: RT @CuriousLemming: Take care of your conservative black associates They will be the first ones killed if Obama pulls off a coup

"@young_ceas: I've cut off some friends and a lot of associates over the years..." Including me. ):

#HowToMakeARelationshipLast If you have sidelines, get rid of the title sidelines and replace it with associates.

"@BossBitch_103: I Can Honestly Say I Have ONE Real Friend The Rest Of The Bitches Are Associates" @2_Real4U_

To be truthful, I only have like only 2 true friends the rest of yall bitches ASSOCIATES ! #justsayinq

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