聖書の旅 イスラエル 1997:クムランの遺跡を訪れる(1997年11月16日)。 クムランの遺跡は死海の近くにあり、同窟から死海文書(死海写本)が発見(1947-1956) されたことで有名。クムランはユダヤ教の一派、エッセネ派(禁欲的な修道生活と共同生活を重んじる)の拠点であった。 バプテスマのヨハネ、イエス・キリストもこのエッセネ派で生活したという説もある

Katz's Delicatessen - in "When Harry Met Sally"
You always wanted to know more about it... www.kickstarter.com One of the fragments from "When Harry Met Sally" shot at Katz's. This scene, one of the funniest ones in American comedy for last 30 years, certainly gave Katz's a new lease for life - the present ownership has just started, and lasted for 20 years next year, making it altogether a proverbial Jewish 120 years Once I have moved my production into HD and interviewed several people of note (I don't like the word "celebrity"), I haven't figured out a way to post some HD teasers here, but feel free to check a sample at mynyco(dot)blip(dot)tv More film clips to be posted soon.