The Boomtown Rats - Diamond Smiles

The Boomtown Rats - Diamond Smiles

RT @theresmaude: RT @theresmaude: @fatnotslim1 Lol! Haven't thought of the Boomtown Rats in years. To be fair, they probably haven't thought of me either.

How did Bob Geldof become so rich in the first place? Coz the Boomtown Rats hardly sold any records!

@fatnotslim1 Lol! Haven't thought of the Boomtown Rats in years. To be fair, they probably haven't thought of me either.

@dj_sky_ Clearly you don't know the BoomTown Rats song 'Tell me why I don't like Mondays' :p

@StevieVanZandt Liverpool Empire..The Boomtown Rats...Tonic for the Troops 1980ish

@yasmickjagger ja ouviu the cars e the boomtown rats??

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