Indian Pariah Dog Puppies

Indian Pariah Dog Puppies

Indian Pariah Dog Puppies Neffy and Fluffy.. Adopted today.They are about 27 days old..
Thou-thou art black-a pariah-a dog-thou wouldst be whipped from her.

@Owyang_Dean @fanaticpip Sun Xun said singaporeans are pariah dog but he was not terminated by NUS and PM Lee said we shall forgive him. why

@jmcaninch68 it's weird for three years I get along fine with my family & dog friends; during an election year, I am a pariah

Today, my dog is a pariah.

RT @GumGumNoBAZOOKA: RT @GumGumNoBAZOOKA: @adyharyadi Dia smlam balik jap. Jumpa member dia. Kau dtang ke tak pariah dog?

@adyharyadi Dia smlam balik jap. Jumpa member dia. Kau dtang ke tak pariah dog?

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