Formula 1 comes to America! - Red Bull Racing takes first lap in Texas

Formula 1 comes to America! - Red Bull Racing takes first lap in Texas

Saddle up as the Red Bull Racing team and the F1 showcar gets chased by cowboys on the ranch and goes off-road onto the under-construction Circuit of the Americas track. The F1 Circuit of the Americas takes place in Austin, Texas on November 18, 2012. Hose off and drive over to
monaco f1

Еду по трассе F1. Думаю заехать на пит-стоп.

#F1 Stepped noses were a concern for everyone at the start of the 2012. But half way into the season have they grown on you? #fb

Я понимаю, что в Москве и области 20 мил. человек живут, но я-то не из их числа!!!! Я лучше домашнюю гонку подожду...

RT @THC_F1J: #TripleFLife all yall! THC birthday pregame at the mansion. #TURNUP #POSSESSION @Team_F1_JAMES

@ran_f1 ゆいちゃんて、なに関係のお仕事?

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