The Duskfall - Downright Dreadful

The Duskfall - Downright Dreadful

Another awesome song from the now split band The Duskfall!
やはり90年代的なイエテボリ型が一番好きなメロデスだなぁと再確認する。っていうか、THE DUSKFALLがあまりに理想的すぎ。改めて解散が悔やまれる。

Noooooo..... The rainclouds blocking sunset. T.T

RT @DrRobi_S: Appreciation is the pathway to moderation. This are only abused or taken advantage of when they're no longer appreciated.

RT @MaxLucado: The sweetest satisfaction lies not in climbing your own Mt. Everest but in helping others climb theirs! #GreatDay

Hope for the Future.

RT @joyjoylim: Because you don't have to be like this. Be the change you wanna see, you have a choice.

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