ppm and ppb

ppm and ppb

Parts per million (ppm) and parts per billion (ppb) are explained and used to solve problems. Brought to you courtesy of Chemistry Professor. Visit us at our website: www.chemistryprofessor.com
@Negra_Ppm & estas bellezas ?

Gak ada RT @PPm_27: ce emg byk, tp yg suka ? RT @arifarifrif: waw hahaha FEB itu bnyk cewek kok nggih "PPm_27: gua doyan ny

06:40 | HS 1: 23 °C, 410 ppm, Lüftung 1, Heizen | HS 2: 23 °C, 405 ppm, Lüftung 1, Kühlen | Foyer: 22 °C, Lüftung 1, Heizen | Soll: 23 °C

"@Negra_Ppm: I wont go back, cant go back,to the way i used to be, Cuz yur came and change me!"

I hate PPM's! Especially on a Saturday morning...

I wont go back, cant go back,to the way i used to be, Cuz yur came and change me!

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