Big Country [VHS] [Import]
Two men, Major Henry Terrill (Charles Bickford) and Rufus Hannassey (Burl Ives), each the head of their respective clans, feud over water rights. The major has a daughter (Carroll Baker) that has fallen in love with a sea captain James McKay (Gregory Peck.) James McKay's father owns a shipping company. This looks like a perfect match.
Shortly but surely we see on insight to the man about to be married. At the same time he gets a good glimpse of the major and Rufus Hannassey. It does not take us long to size up the situation. James refused to play the game. He won't get mad at hazing, won't write the wild hors on their time, and he won't get lost (I suspect he can calculate reveres azimuth.) And this is a big country.
There are many other notable characters in this movie including the owner of "the Big Muddy" (Jean Simmons) where the water is. The Majors right hand man (Charlton Heston). And what is a western with out the idiot son (Chuck Connors).
Pay attention to the love interest and the music.
This movie would give a Greek tragedy a run for its money.
Will Major Henry and Rufus Hannassey settle their differences or will the settle James McKay's hash?

Little House in the Big Woods

Big Country [VHS] [Import]
Two men, Major Henry Terrill (Charles Bickford) and Rufus Hannassey (Burl Ives), each the head of their respective clans, feud over water rights. The major has a daughter (Carroll Baker) that has fallen in love with a sea captain James McKay (Gregory Peck.) James McKay's father owns a shipping company. This looks like a perfect match.
Shortly but surely we see on insight to the man about to be married. At the same time he gets a good glimpse of the major and Rufus Hannassey. It does not take us long to size up the situation. James refused to play the game. He won't get mad at hazing, won't write the wild hors on their time, and he won't get lost (I suspect he can calculate reveres azimuth.) And this is a big country.
There are many other notable characters in this movie including the owner of "the Big Muddy" (Jean Simmons) where the water is. The Majors right hand man (Charlton Heston). And what is a western with out the idiot son (Chuck Connors).
Pay attention to the love interest and the music.
This movie would give a Greek tragedy a run for its money.
Will Major Henry and Rufus Hannassey settle their differences or will the settle James McKay's hash?

Queen Rock Montreal & Live Aid [Blu-ray] [Import]
彼らの凄さを肌で感じられる一枚ですよ( '∀` )

Taylor Swift
テイラー・スウィフトを初めて知ったのはテレビ朝日で深夜放送している「ベストヒットUSA」で、シングル「TEARDROPS ON MY GUITAR」がベスト10入りしていて、まだ日本デビューしていなかったので、輸入盤でこの1stアルバムを購入。
輸入盤で変則的な曲目の「FEARLESS」は出たもののいつ日本デビューするのかと思っていたら2nd「FEARLESS」は輸入盤で届いてしまい、2010年の1月にようやく2nd「FEARLESS」のDVD付きのPLATINUM EDITIONが発売。
2ndアルバム「FEARLESS」は2009年全米でNO.1のセールスを記録し、グラミー賞最年少受賞、そして2010年11月には3rdアルバム「SPEAK NOW」をリリースしてビルボードチャートで堂々の初登場1位と今や飛ぶ鳥を落とす勢いの彼女。最近アップテンポな曲が増えてきたので、この1stのようなカントリー系のアコースティックな曲も維持してほしい所。(しかしPVでアップテンポな曲を歌ってる時の彼女は非常に楽しそうで、見ている自分もハッピーな気分になってくるんだよな)