Russia the White Empire _ Russian Neo Nazi 2011

Russia the White Empire _ Russian Neo Nazi 2011

The alliance of Indo Europeans proud of their blood, tired of asian and black immigration and crime in Europe. Aryan race refer to the Indo-Iranian people, but also to native Indo-European people as a whole, including the Baltic · Celtic · Germanic · Slavic · Greek · Italic. These european tribes originated from a common root—now known as Proto-Indo-European also are Caucasian race or Europoid from Mount Caucasus region in Russia. The ethnic group composed of the Proto-Indo-Europeans and their modern descendants was termed the Aryans.
@DaveGrohlLover1 It's even better than the classic White Russian!

Black, white, Chinese, mexican, Hispanic , African , Brazilian , Italian , Russian , the list goes on and on

Sitting in the apartment, watching Seinfeld and drinking a White Russian. Only thing missing is my good friend @alstew16. #fewmoredays

Black Russian Cocktail: Vodka, White Cocoa Liquor & Cream. Pour a little of Coffee liquor if you like it! ;^) #iBartndrTip

White russian! Vodka, kahlua, & cream. <3

@CARLmeMaybe_ oh , i saw someone fly . it wasn't you tho . cause first . your not white , and you don't talk Russian

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