A Few Good Man "You Can't Handle the Truth"

A Few Good Man "You Can't Handle the Truth"

Colonel Nathan R. Jessep Addresses the Court on "Code Red"
Love my friend Yukari for bringing back the cutest baby kimono from Japan for my little girl. A few months until it fits though...

I'm finally almost 21!...only a few months left!

RT @BradleyKelby: I have finally come to the realization that having a few good friends in life is better than a ton! #true

Well, I guess its just foolishness. Very few wise ppl left on earth.

RT @Ted4ReaI: I HATE when I miss a call by a few seconds, call the person back, and they don't answer. than they call back. BITCH this is not tag

Took me a few minutes to find the strawberry anemone and I honestly don't think that was it.

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