[Star Focus] Park Eun-hye 박은혜 인터뷰 ArirangTV [Showbiz Extra]

[Star Focus] Park Eun-hye 박은혜 인터뷰 ArirangTV [Showbiz Extra]

She's an actress who portrayed the character 'Yeon-sang' in the drama Dae Jang Geum , and is loved not only in Korea but rose as a top-notch celebrity in China. It's actress Park Eun-hye who is well-loved for her continuous good deeds. Your pleasant date with the kind and good-hearted actress Park Eun-hye starts right this minute.
yoon eun hye, park shin hye RT @We_LoveKorea: #tellme aktris favorit kamu? (min: kim tae hee, shin min ah)

@FxTeng @MLovelly @Park_Hye_Eun hmm siap...

Moon Geun Young, Yoon Eun Hye, Park Shin Hye, Kang Sora RT @We_LoveKorea: #tellme aktris favorit kamu? (min: kim tae hee, shin min ah)

Has gone RT "@CaesareJulius: @FxTeng @MLovelly @Park_Hye_Eun gk tw...."

Yoon eun hye"@abc_kpop: #PilihSatu Park Min Young atau Yoon Eunhye ?"

@FxTeng @MLovelly @Park_Hye_Eun gk tw....

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