Jedi A-holes

Jedi A-holes

Download the song: bit.ly Check out the Behind the Scenes!: www.youtube.com Spread the love! Click to RT: bit.ly Digg it up!: digg.com Follow me on Twitter to keep up to date: twitter.com More vids on my channel: youtube.com Abuse the force! Man, those Jedi, they can be total a-holes. Special thanks to Logan Olson for being the other Jedi, to Carson Laatsch for taking a bike fall like a champion, and to Heldine Aguiluz for playing the girl.
@Lise_xox But it take 4 hours to to to taupo. so it'll take like a week to walk to Auckland.

I'm always stuck at home. I never go out unless its for school. I either need a girlfriend, or a car. Whichever comes first.

Treat my girl like I treat my mom ? First off what's a mom ion got that so yu want me to treat yu like a nobody ? ....cool bitch

have a good night tweeties <3

@Aleikis @osunajc @kamegh @mariel_fresh tss... Y a que fuiste a la sierra? Ya comenzaste a buscar muestras prehispánicas como todo TG?

@Osvin_Flores yo estoy despierta \☺/ todavía haha a no va x___x

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Trashcan Sinatras
